The Shared Patient eXperience association launches the second edition of its SPX Award
SPX wishes to bring together European healthcare organizations that aim to improve and share their expertise about the patient experience. After the success of its first edition, SPX is determined to continue the experience in 2022. New this year is that the UZ Brussel’s Foundation will reward the winner with a cash prize of 5,000 euros.
The Award rewards initiatives by healthcare establishments that put the patient first and work in a multidisciplinary way to satisfy patients and / or their family. An innovative spirit is encouraged.
Thanks to the exchange of knowledge and good practices, its members inspire each other to actively engage in enhancing patient experience in the European healthcare sector.
We therefore look forward to your initiatives

How to register ?
Any European healthcare organization that has launched an initiative to promote patient experience can submit an initiative for the SPX Award, except for previous year’s winner who cannot submit a project in this round.
Each health organization can submit a maximum of 1 project.
Registration is open from 12/01/2021 to 02/15/2022.
Applications can be submitted in Dutch, French, English or Spanish.
Nominated applicants agree to submit a short video summarizing their initiative concretely before 03/31/2022. The video must not exceed 1 min 30 seconds and should be submitted in a simple format. The language used in the video is English or the video has English subtitles. Nominations will be announced on 03/03/2022.
Selection process
A first preselection of 10 candidates will be made (see rules for selection criteria)
The final selection will be made by a jury of professionals, who will take the results from a public vote into account.
The winner will be announced during the Award Ceremony on June 10, 2022 in Switzerland.
The Award is linked to a cash prize of 5,000 euros offered by the UZ Brussels’ Foundation that supports the continuation and expansion of the SPX Award. The winner agrees to actively share information about their winning project, with the support of SPX.
A publication containing more information about the 10 preselected projects will help disseminated in details on the projects and their tips & tricks for enhanced patient experience.
The winner can count on international interest through various communication channels including press, newsletter, website and social media of SPX and its members for an entire year.