On the occasion of the pre-colloquium day, 5 workshops are offered to participants who have purchased an entry to the whole colloquium (colloquium + workshop pack) or a single entry to the workshops.

Workshops | SPX International Colloquium 2023

The patience experience as a structuring lever for health services

When? 10 October 2023

Where? Palais du Pharo, Marseille (France)

Duration: Each workshop lasts 6 hours. Participants can only register for one workshop.
Time: 10:00 to 17:00. Lunch and snacks will be provided. The exact distribution of the timetable will be decided according to the dynamics foreseen in each workshop.

Registration: Registration for the workshops is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 20 persons.
Price: €95 

If you would like more information, please contact us at: [email protected]

You can benefit of a reduced price if you buy the Complete Pack which includes an access to the 2 days of the colloquium and one workshop. You can choose the pack that you want by clicking here.

Exclusive benefits for members

If you or your institution are members of SPX, don’t forget to log in to enjoy reduced prices on the Complete Pack of Colloquium + Workshop.

If you are not yet a member, take this opportunity to become a member.

Setting up a patient committee: steps and tools
The use of Design Thinking in health
Evaluating the impact of a patient experience strategy and projects
Patient experience and participatory action research
Workshop 5
Therapeutic communication with self and others
Achieving patient centered-care through shared decision making

Setting up a patient committee: steps and tools - SOLD OUT

This workshop aims to explain in concrete terms how to set up a patient committee in a health institution.

How to recruit patients? What tasks should patients be given? How to integrate them into institutional working groups? How to change the mentalities of health professionals?

Language of presentation: French

Nathalie Delbrassine

Coordinator of Clinical Pathways and Patient Experience | Groupe Santé CHC, Liège
Secretary of Shared Patient eXperience (SPX)

Nurse specialised in diabetes

Master in Public Health Sciences, UCLouvain

Coordinator of clinical itineraries and patient experience in a hospital of 800 beds

Lecturer at UNamur, Innovative Management of Health Care Organisations and Networks

Founding member of SPX

Sylvie Chevigné Drouguet

Patient partner in cancerology | Centre de Lutte contre le Cancer François Baclesse, Caen

Sylvie Chevigné Drouguet was a teacher for 18 years. In October 2018, she was diagnosed with two cancers. After the first treatments, she decided to do a DU of “Referent Patient in Cancer Recovery” at the University of Patients (Sorbonne University, Paris). Her objective is to share her experience of the disease with other patients also suffering from cancer.

At the same time, she joined the patients’ committee of the CHR Citadelle in Liège. Since September, she has been a “patient partner in cancerology” at the François Baclesse Cancer Centre in Caen. Her main tasks are :
– accompanying patients
– collaborating with departments that wish to do so on projects for patients
– taking part in training courses for carers or future carers

This workshop is of interest to:

  • members of the management of health and social care institutions
  • clinical leaders
  • health professionals

The use of Design Thinking in health

The objective is to raise awareness of Design Thinking and to understand how this approach can contribute to the analysis and improvement of the patient experience. The aim is to identify and characterise the main stages of this approach and to initiate reflection on its use.

Language of presentation: French

Laurent Boronad

Founding Partner | Kura Santé

Laurent has had a wide range of experience in healthcare, as a private practitioner, partner in a healthcare centre, teacher, project coordinator in healthcare establishments (Ramsay Santé), consultant in digital innovation in healthcare, and innovation director in a software publisher.

Since 2021, he has been running Kura, an innovation firm dedicated to health actors, to facilitate their innovation projects, in particular through the support of design thinking.

This workshop is of interest to :

  • The management of health and medico-social establishments
  • Doctors and carers
  • Representatives of users and patient partners
  • Managers of start-ups and health industries
  • Associations and all kinds of institutions

Evaluating the impact of a patient experience strategy and projects

Improving the patient experience can have a wide range of clinical and organisational impacts, but how do you evaluate them? How to identify the added value of your future projects and those already underway to convince each stakeholder?

During this workshop, we will detail the different methods and tools to carry out this evaluation in order to objectify your results.

Language of presentation: French

Guillaume Rousson

Scientific Director | EntendsMoi
Doctoral student in management | iaelyon School of Management

Physiotherapist D.E

Master in Public Health

Co-founder of the start-up EntendsMoi, specialised in the collection and improvement of the patient experience

Doctoral student in management of health organisations at the iaelyon School of Management

This workshop is of interest to :

  • All professionals who wish to develop (or have started) a patient experience improvement project or approach.
  • All healthcare stakeholders who want to understand the impact of the patient experience in order to make the link with their existing projects.

Patient experience and participatory action research

The workshop aims to introduce the concept of “value” (“value based healthcare”) and to familiarise participants with the principles of participatory action research. The production of new knowledge, including all the social determinants of health, is essential to provide high quality health care from the perspective of the patient and the carer. It is therefore also essential to talk about patient participation in health research and to include them in the creation of research agendas as well as in the different stages of projects.

We will talk about the history of patient participation, and present our Patient Experience Action Research Protocol from the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. We will detail the practical steps to identify unmet patient needs: definition of the patient trajectory, mapping of actors and patient archetypes. In particular, patient participation mechanisms need to be strengthened. Who represents the patients is a relevant question?

Next, we will look at the different methodologies for evaluating the patient experience. A combination of methodologies is usually used.

Practical examples will be presented: endometriosis, interventional radiology, lung cancer and obesity, among others.

Language of presentation: French

Joan Escarrabill

Responsible for the chronic care management model and the evaluation of the patient’s experience | Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

Specialist in Pneumology (since 2012).

Over 25 years in home care for chronic respiratory failure with oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation.

Training in Health Management, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Experience in the evaluation of services of the Agency for Quality and Health Evaluation of Catalonia (AQuAS).

Since 2019 at the Living Lab.

Anne-Sophie Gresle

Project Manager Patient and Public Involvement | Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

GLOBAL Health Institute

Graduate in Management Sciences and International Relations.

Has been working since 2016 as a project manager and researcher in the field of participatory action research at the Institute of Global Health in Barcelona.

Member of the Patient Experience Observatory (XPA) of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

Currently actively involved in supporting teams specialising in endometriosis and interventional radiology.

This workshop is of interest to:

  • Patients and carers
  • Managers of Patient Experience in health care institutions
  • Health professionals and future health and social care professionals
  • Managers in health care institutions
  • Researchers in the field of Patient Experience
  • Policy makers

Workshop 5 | Therapeutic communication with self and others

The objective of this workshop is to discover and acquire practical tools that allow alignment with oneself, a prerequisite for listening to the other. To contribute to the quality of interactions during care and to favour the relationship between professionals.

The aim is not to deal with situations of deep and lasting conflict, but rather to deal with the unexpected tensions that professionals face in the course of their work.

Language of presentation: French

Sahar Lahabi

Body-mind therapist and trainer

Occupational therapist

Sophrology and training in acupressure, NLP and various mind-body techniques.

Saint-Jean Clinic, Brussels


This workshop is of interest to:

  • All professionals and future professionals in the health or social sector.
  • Managers of health and medico-social institutions.
  • All caregivers in the field of care.

Achieving patient centered-care through shared decision making

To know and learn about…

  • shared decision-making concept,
  • shared decision-making tools,
  • key aspects for the implementation
  • and evaluation in the context of value-based healthcare.

Language of presentation: English

Montse Moharra

Chief Strategy Officer | Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya

Currently PhD candidate on patient reported experience measures (Universtiy of Barcelona).

 MSc in Bioethics and BA (University of Barcelona).

Large experience in management and research domains for designing patient decision aids and patient reported experience measures (PREMS) for promoting and improving shared decision-making and patient-centred care.

This workshop is of interest to:

  • Healthcare professionals.
  • Healthcare managers and health professionals in general wanting to use share decision aids in their clinical practice.

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