SPX Talks: Wednesdays for Patient Experience

Are you a healthcare professional, patient or student interested in patient experience topics?

One Wednesday a month, Shared Patient Experience is organising a short, free online event with a key player in the patient experience field to find out more and discuss different topics. Each session, moderated by an SPX member, will give the opportunity to our guests and participants to have their say. Don’t hesitate to bring your questions!

Stay tuned: the program of the next SPX Talks in English is coming soon!

Are you a French speaker? Click here to discover the program of the SPX Talks in French.

Join the SPX TALKS!

Times: Wednesdays from 12:00 to 12.30pm.
Dates: See the schedule of upcoming sessions in English below.
Where: Online via Teams. You will automatically receive the connection link by e-mail once you have registered.
Who can attend? The SPX Talks are open to everyone: healthcare professionals, patients, students, etc.
How do I register? Click on the registration button for the chosen session below and fill in the form to automatically receive the connection link by e-mail.
Price: Free, open access

ENGLISH AGENDA | Programme of SPX Talks 2024

The SPX Talks in English are taking a break over the summer and will return in September. Subscribe to the SPX newsletter to keep up to date with the next sessions!

REPLAY | Rewatch the SPX Talks


26 JUNE 2024

In Conversation with Mark Duman

Human-Centered Healthcare: Innovating Through Patient Experiences and Co-Creation

Mark Duman is a clinician, management consultant, and patient advocate who enhances organizational offerings by unlocking patient and public potential. He applies the ILLUMINATE tool to boost patient engagement. Notable achievements include installing a Cerner EHR component in Scotland in 1994 and developing the award-winning PharmAssist system at Lewisham NHS Hospital to aid ethnic minorities. At The King’s Fund, he advanced shared clinical decision-making and authored the best-selling ‘Producing Patient Information.’

His career spans roles at the BBC, where he created health interventions, and in consulting for clients such as Cancer Research UK, NHS England, and Microsoft. Mark founded the Patient Information Forum, holds various advisory roles, and is an Ambassador for NHS England’s Personalised Care Institute. He is also a former Public Governor for the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust and a HIMSS Patient Leader.

To find out more:

26 JUNE 2024

In Conversation with Mark Duman

Human-Centered Healthcare: Innovating Through Patient Experiences and Co-Creation

Mark Duman is a clinician, management consultant, and patient advocate who enhances organizational offerings by unlocking patient and public potential. He applies the ILLUMINATE tool to boost patient engagement. Notable achievements include installing a Cerner EHR component in Scotland in 1994 and developing the award-winning PharmAssist system at Lewisham NHS Hospital to aid ethnic minorities. At The King’s Fund, he advanced shared clinical decision-making and authored the best-selling ‘Producing Patient Information.’

His career spans roles at the BBC, where he created health interventions, and in consulting for clients such as Cancer Research UK, NHS England, and Microsoft. Mark founded the Patient Information Forum, holds various advisory roles, and is an Ambassador for NHS England’s Personalised Care Institute. He is also a former Public Governor for the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust and a HIMSS Patient Leader.

To find out more:

When? Wednesday 26 June from 12:00 to 12:30pm
Where? Online via Microsoft Teams. You will receive the connection link by email once your registration has been confirmed.
Who can attend? Healthcare professionals, students, patients and anyone interested in the patient experience in general.
Language: English

22 MAY 2024

Talking with Lien Lapiere

Empowering Patient Voices: Innovating Healthcare through Patient Advisory Councils, Journey Mapping, and Experience-Based Training in a large acute care hospital

Lien Lapiere is an experienced professional in quality in healthcare, currently serving as a process facilitator at AZ Groeninge, a leading general hospital in Kortrijk, Belgium. AZ Groeninge is a modern hospital known for its high-quality medical care and innovative approaches to patient care. As a process facilitator, Lien focuses on improving patient participation at meso and macro levels, ensuring that patients’ voices are heard and integrated into decision-making processes.

Her expertise lies in facilitating collaborative environments where the perspectives of patients are incorporated into policy and practice development, resulting in a more patient-centered approach to healthcare. With a deep understanding of the complex dynamics of the healthcare sector, Lien strives to enhance the quality of care and strengthen the patient experience.

20 MARCH 2024

In conversation with Stefan Gijssels

How integrating the voice of the patient can help to optimise care

Stefan Gijssels is chair of the Patient Expert Center, an organisation that trains patients to become Patient Experts, so that they can assist other patients or represent their organisation towards professional audiences. As a colorectal cancer survivor, he co-founded Digestive Cancers Europe in 2018, an organisation which he expanded and led until 2021.

He is member of the Board of the Alzheimer Liga, and advisor of ProLong (lung cancer patient organisation). He is also member of several advisory boards, including the European Commission Initiative on Colorectal Cancer (ECICC).

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