Call for authors of communications

Any unsolicited communication proposal for the 4th SPX International Colloquium will be submitted for the opinion of the Scientific Committee. As authors, you have three different ways to present your communication:

  • An individual communication, formalized via the form below. After acceptance by the Scientific Committee, the individual communication will be included in a session bringing together other communications dedicated to the same subject.
  • An integrated session of communications (4 or 5 communications maximum) concerning the same subject, formalized  via the form below. In this formula, the Scientific Committee will also ensure that the majority of participants come from different institutions.
  • A shared poster. This third method invites you to share an initiative/experience developed within your establishment. In this formula, you will be able to exhibit your poster and participate in a group of exchanges of practices improving the patient experience. To do this, complete the form below.

In all three cases, the Scientific Committee endorses the final decision.

In all three cases, final acceptance will be validated after your formal registration for the Colloquium.

As examples, here are some themes to which you can refer. The list is not exhaustive and any proposal related to the patient experience will be left to the discretion of the Scientific Committee.

  • The design of support processes in the delivery of services.
  • Shared clinical decisions: professions, responsibility, commitment.
  • Definition of the criteria to be used in the measurement of PX results.
  • The development of physical spaces and the environment.
  • Technology adoption.
  • Participation and decision-making in the governance of the institution.
    Implementation of patient experience and change management.
  • Information and communication with patients.
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