4th edition of the SPX European Awards: 12 projects shortlisted by jury members

After the success of the first 3 editions, SPX has repeated the experience in 2024 for its 4th edition.

The winner in each category will receive a prize of €5,000

The winners will be able to count on international interest as well as the visibility of their organisation thanks to the communication that will be made via various channels, including the press, the newsletter, the website, SPX’s social media and the relay to its members throughout the year. A handbook containing the shortlisted projects will be published to share the best initiatives selected.

The awards recognise initiatives that put the patient first and work in a multidisciplinary way to satisfy patients and/or their families. An innovative spirit is encouraged.

Submission of projects closed on 28 February 2024.

In total, SPX received 42 projects in the 4 categories:

  • 7 in PX in Digital and Non-Face-To-Face Support
  • 6 in PX in Health and Social Related Services
  • 27 in PX in Hospital Care
  • 2 in PX in Outpatient Institutions

The candidates come from 6 different countries: Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland, Monaco and Luxembourg.

A first SPX jury shortlisted 12 projects that met all the criteria. These were projects that explicitly improved and integrated the patient experience.

Here is the list of shortlisted projects:

  • In the category Patient Experience in Hospital Care :
    • Project “Cancer: I manage my fatigue“, Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, BELGIUM
    • Project “Patient Experience Challenge“, Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace, MONACO
    • Project “What matters to you?“, Fédération des hôpitaux vaudois, SWITZERLAND
    • Project “Improvement of user flow and patient experience“, Althaia Xarxa Assistencial Universitaria de Manresa, SPAIN
  • In the category Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions :
    • Project “A board dedicated to patient experience“, Calydial, FRANCE
    • Project “Integrated Patient Experience Enhancement Program (IPEEP)“, Fresenius Medical Care España, SPAIN
  • In the category Patient Experience in Health and Social Related Services:
    • Project “The Individualized Interdisciplinary Intervention Plan (IIIP): reconciling performance and patient experience“, Centre Neurologique William Lennox, BELGIUM
    • Project “Supporting Vulnerable Families: Towards a Better Perinatal Experience“, Groupe Santé CHC, BELGIUM
  • In the category Patient eXperience in digital and non-face-to-face support
    • Project “Vulgaroo – Simplify Medical Reports with AI“, Vulgaroo, FRANCE
    • Project “e-OncoSalud: remote communication and monitoring of cancer patients“, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, SPAIN
    • Project “Delirium Action Month“, Pipra AG, SWITZERLAND
    • Project “AI-based patient experience monitoring in day care hospital, Elsan & Better World, FRANCE

These will be presented from 28 March onwards on social networks, giving the public a chance to have their say and vote.

A second panel of experts will select the winner in each category, including the public vote.

Awards ceremony: see you on 30 April

The SPX European Awards 2024 ceremony will take place on 30 April at the Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte (EHC) in Morges, Switzerland, preceded by a debate and a round table bringing together experts, both professionals and patients, on the patient experience. The debate and round table will be moderated by Dr Bertrand Kiefer, Editor-in-Chief of the Swiss Medical Journal.

Click here to find out more about the ceremony programme and access the registration form.

All the projects received are of high quality and show concrete actions to improve the experience of patients, users or relatives.

There’s plenty of diversity too.

The SPX team would like to thank all the people and institutions that submitted a project. This 4th edition is a real success and shows the extent to which organisations are willing to develop initiatives to improve the experience of patients and their families.

Follow us on Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram and YouTube. to make sure you don’t miss the public vote from 28 March.

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