SPX announces the winners of the 4th SPX European Awards
The 4th SPX European Awards, organised by the European association Shared Patient Experience, were a great success at the awards ceremony held on 30 April in Morges (Switzerland), hosted by the Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte at Le Cube.
The initiative rewards the most encouraging projects in terms of patient experience across 4 categories: hospital care, health and social-related services, digital and non-face-to-face support, and outpatient institutions.
The Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace, Groupe Santé CHC, Vulgaroo and Calydial win the SPX European Awards 2024
The Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace (Monaco) has won the prize in the “Patient Experience in Hospital Care” category for its Patient Experience Challenge initiative, which aims to generate ideas and initiatives from the field to improve the patient experience and raise awareness within the hospital community./
The Groupe Santé CHC (Belgium) won the award in the “Patient Experience in Health and Social-Related Services” category for its initiative “Supporting Vulnerable Families: Towards a Better Perinatal Experience“, a programme that supports vulnerable families during the first 1,000 days of their child’s life.
Start-up Vulgaroo (France) won in the “Patient Experience in Digital and Non-Face-To-Face Support” category for its initiative of the same name, which uses artificial intelligence to simplify medical reports.
Calydial (France), a centre specialising in chronic kidney disease and dialysis, won the award in the “Patient Experience in Oupatient Institutions” category for its initiative “A board dedicated to patient experience“, which has made it possible to integrate the patient experience into the heart of the centre’s strategy.
Each winning initiative received a prize of €5,000 and will benefit from international visibility promoted by SPX. In addition, the projects will receive technical and dissemination support from SPX and its member institutions.
Nearly 200 people gathered in Morges
The announcement of the prize-winners was preceded by an academic event which brought together leading figures from various European institutions to discuss the question: Improving care through patient experience: towards a Romande approach?
Participants included Dr Pierre-Antoine Pradervand, Professor Béatrice Schaad, Director of the Centre sur le Vécu des patients-e-s, des proches et des professionnels-e-s – CHUV and Senior Lecturer at the Institut des Humanités en Médecine-FBM-UNIL, Ms Patricia Albisetti, Secretary General – Fédération des hôpitaux vaudois and Professor Lohyd Terrier, Associate Professor – Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne.
42 projects received and 12 shortlisted
The awards ceremony brings to a close a six-month process that began with a call for entries open to the international community. A total of 42 projects from 6 different countries – Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland, Monaco and Luxembourg – were submitted for this 4th edition. After careful evaluation, a first international jury selected the 12 finalist projects.
Nominations in the “Patient Experience in Hospital Care” category went to initiatives from Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (Belgium), Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace (Monaco), Fédération des Hôpitaux Vaudois (Switzerland) and Althaia Xarxa Assistencial Universitaria de Manresa (Spain).
In the “Patient Experience in Health and Social-Related Services” category, the nominated projects came from the Centre Neurologique William Lennox (Belgium) and the Groupe Santé CHC (Belgium).
In the “Patient Experience in Digital and Non-Face-To-Face Support” category, the nominated projects came from Vulgaroo (France), Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Spain), Pipra AG (Switzerland) and Elsan & Better World (France).
In the “Patient Experience in Oupatient Institutions” category, the nominated projects came from Calydial (France) and Fresenius Medical Care España (Spain).
All the nominated projects were submitted to the public vote and examined by four independent international professional juries, who selected the winners announced at the ceremony.
Jury members
The nomination of the 12 shortlisted projects and the final decision on the winning projects in each category were made by professional juries independent of the institutions that submitted their entries to the SPX European Awards.
Initial jury for the selection of nominees
- Edith Jung, Rehazenter (Belgium)
- Grégory Dereppe, Centre Hospitalier Neurologique William Lenox (Belgium)
- Nathalie Bass-Hagenmuller, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris (France)
- Valérie Piazza, Hôpital Riviera-Chablais (Switzerland)
- Montserrat Moharra, Acquas (Spain)
Final jury for the “Patient Experience in Hospital Care” category
- Bram Vermeersch, UZ Brussel Foundation (Belgium)
- Bertrand Semay, Clinique Mutualiste de Saint-Étienne (France)
- Rui Patricio, Aveiro University (Portugal)
Final jury for the “Patient Experience in Health and Social-Related Services” category
- Catherine Dans, Helmo (Belgium)
- Edgar Peters, Fédération de l’Aide et des Soins à Domicile (Belgium)
- Anna Sant, Fundació Assistencial Mútua de Terrassa (Spain)
Final jury for the “Patient Experience in Digital and Non-Face-To-Face Support” category
- Dieter De Court, UZ Brussel (Belgium)
- Julie Valette, Hôpital Paris Saint-Joseph & Hôpital Marie-Lannelongue (France)
- Dom Raban, Xploro (United Kingdom)
- Frédéric Addor, Swisscoding (Switzerland)
Final jury for the “Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions” category
- Philippe Anhorn, Réseau Santé Région Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Alba Nicolás Boluda, One Clinic (France)
- Bertrand Marcorelles (France)
This fourth edition of the SPX European Awards was made possible thanks to the support of Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte, UZ Brussel Foundation, Viollier, Polyanalitic, Incyte, B. Braun, Zimmer Biomet, and all the participants and members of the professional juries.