1st SPX Award Winners

The 1st SPX Award ceremony has taken place on June 11, 2021 with an introduction from the Minister Franck Vandenbroucke. The prizes were then granted by Mr Robby De Caluwé, Chairman of the covid special commission.

In view of the current health context, 2 prizes have been attributed : one in the « patient experience » category and another one in the « patient experience and covid » category.

A total of 24 initiatives have been sent from 6 countries. 10 initiatives had been preselected by the SPX jury.

The 10 preselected initiatives have been put to a vote of the public and professionals for a few weeks. All of them were of high quality and showed actions to improve the experience of patients, users or relatives. Diversity was also at the rendezvous.

In addition to the prize for each category, SPX has also decided to designate a Jury special mention Award:

  • In the patient experience category : AZ Delta – Heart-waring care for unique patients
  • In the patient experience and covid category : AZ Maria Middelares – Telemonitoring of covid-patients at home

Mr Robby De Caluwé has announced the winners of the awards:

  • In the patient experience category : UZ Brussel – Virtual reality patient experience wipes pain and stress away in the emergency department
  • For the patient experience and covid category : UZ Brussel – Patient & family ICU support and aftercare

All the videos of initiatives are available here.

SPX is looking forward to the 2022 SPX Award edition!

A call for projects will be launched in early 2022.
