Rules and Regulations

Article 1. Purpose of the SPX European Awards 

Shared Patient eXperience (SPX) aims to bring together organisations that promote patient experience to exchange knowledge and best practice on this topic.

The SPX European Awards 2025 recognise the best and most inspiring initiatives that can help improve the patient experience in an organisation. Each project honoured must significantly improve the patient experience in an organisation.

In the case of digital initiatives, they contribute to improving patient care and the patient experience. More often than not, they support better patient care.

Article 2. Categories

Applications are open to all healthcare sectors, public or private. SPX reserves the right to redirect an initiative to another category.

The 2025 categories are:
– Improving the patient experience in an emergency situation
– Taking into account the patient experience in communication
– Patient experience as a driver of innovation

Article 3. Rules for admission of entries

– The initiative must be in progress or in the active deployment phase in the year of the Awards (2024-2025).
– The initiative must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Identify patients’ expectations.
  • Involve patients in the co-design of solutions.
  • Include patients in defining the criteria for measuring results.

Article 4. Juries and selection procedure

4.1. Composition of the Juries
– The 1st Jury is composed exclusively of SPX members.
– The 2nd Jury, different from the first, is made up of SPX members and external experts.

4.2. Selection of finalists and winners
– The two Juries follow a strict selection grid that takes into account certain aspects such as pragmatism, interdisciplinarity, openness to cultural change, ease of adoption and managerial support,
openness to cultural change, ease of adoption and managerial support.
– Jury decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
– Jury members must observe confidentiality and may not be involved in a participating project.
– The selection process for all categories is as follows:
The 1st Jury selects 4 candidates per category: the finalists.
The 2nd Jury selects one winner per category.
– New: ‘Public votes’. The finalists’ videos will be posted on social media for a set period, allowing the public to vote. Among the non-winning finalists, the initiative that receives the most votes wins the ‘Public Vote’ prize.
Only one vote per person is authorised (email address being taken as proof) and SPX reserves the right to exclude the finalist in the event of fraud.

4.3. Special features :
An organisation may submit several different initiatives, but may only win one prize per year.

Article 5. Prizes and recognition

5.1. Winners
– Nominative trophy.
– Entry in the Hall of Fame on the SPX website.
– Publication in the SPX European Awards Guide.
– Non-SPX member institutions: free SPX membership for the current year and 30% discount for membership the following year (including 2 free registrations for the international conference and participation in a conference paper).
– Institutions already members of SPX: free membership for the following year.
– Companies: free SPX partnership for the current year (including 2 free registrations for the international conference and participation in a conference paper).
– Extensive communication via social media and SPX activities.
– Speaker at a SPX Talk, in english or french session.
– Interview as a virtual content, shared with all of our members and SPX community.

5.2. Finalists
– Entry in the Hall of Fame on the SPX website.
– Publication in the SPX European Awards Guide.
– Non-member institutions: free SPX membership for the current year and 10% discount for membership the following year.
– Institutions that are already SPX members: 20% discount on membership for the following year.
– Companies: 20% discount on a company pack for the international conference (including participation in a conference paper) and 2 individual memberships will be offered.
– Extensive communication via social networks and SPX activities.
– Speaker at an SPX Talk

Article 6. Obligations des finalistes

– Submit a 1 minute video in English or French, and its transcription in word, srt or text format.
– Authorise SPX to display the video.
– Obtain the agreement of the people represented in the video.
– Take part in the awards ceremony, in person or by videoconference if the ceremony is available via streaming, or send a 3-minute video.
– Answer questions from the press.
– Promote the initiative around them.
– Share best practice from their project.

Article 7. Calendar

  • 15/12/2024: Deadline for submitting applications on SPX.
  • 21/01/2025: Announcement of selected applications.
  • 04/03/2025: Deadline for submission of videos.
  • 04/2025: Presentation of the SPX European Awards.

Article 8. Management of personal data

Personal data is processed in accordance with data protection laws. Participants have the right of access, rectification and opposition.
Contact [email protected] to exercise these rights. Data is protected, but sending it over the internet involves risks. Photographs will be taken during the ceremony; please inform SPX if you do not wish to be photographed.

8.1. The organiser processes the personal data transmitted as part of the action in accordance with the Act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data and the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications.

8.2. Participants’ personal data are processed, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), for the purposes of the smooth running of the action, and in particular in order to contact participants.

They may also be included in a database for re-use for commercial and advertising purposes by partners or third parties involved in the action or by the organiser itself.

8.3. Participants have the right to access and rectify this data and, where applicable, the right to object to its use for direct marketing purposes. To do so, participants simply need to send an email to [email protected] or unsubscribe from the newsletters they receive.

8.4. The organiser will take all necessary precautions to keep the data secret. By confirming that he/she wishes to send his/her personal data, the participant acknowledges that sending such data via the Internet is never without risk.

8.5. If you are selected and take part in the awards ceremony, photos will be taken at the event. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let [email protected] know.

Article 9: Acceptance of the rules

Participation in the SPX European Awards implies acceptance of these rules.

Decisions taken at all levels of selection are final.

The organisers accept no responsibility in the event of any dispute relating to intellectual or industrial property rights in respect of the commitments made by the candidates.

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