Discover the winners of the 4th edition

SPX European Awards - Ceremony at Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte, Morges (Switzerland). Shared Patient eXperience 2024

Shared Patient eXperience aims to bring together international organisations, healthcare institutions and start-ups that want to improve and share their experience with patients.

Each year we expand the coverage of the association, and the ceremony of the 4th edition of the Awards will be held on April 30 in Morges, hosted by Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte in Switzerland.

For this fourth edition, we are expanding the categories of health institutions that can participate: hospitals, non-hospital healthcare institutions and start-ups. A total of €20,000 in cash prizes will be divided equally among the winners in each category.


1. Patient eXperience in hospital care
2. Patient eXperience in Health and Social related services
3. Patient eXperience in outpatient institutions                                               
4. Patient eXperience in digital and non-face-to-face support

Submissions closed on 28 February 2024. You can now discover the 12 shortlisted projects.


The public voting ran from 28 March (3pm GMT+2) to 8 April (3pm GMT+2). The vote is now closed and the results will be taken into account by the final selection jury. 

Stay tuned to discover the winners which will be revealed on April 30!

Ceremony Program

Discover the agenda for the SPX European Awards ceremony to be held on 30 April at the Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte in Morges, Switzerland. We will be celebrating an academic event with high-profile guests. Please note that the ceremony will be held in French.

Améliorer les soins grâce à l’expérience patient·e : vers une approche romande ?

Animation : Dr Bertrand Kiefer

• 16.00 – Introduction :
Dr Mikael de Rham, Directeur général – Ensemble Hospitalier de La Côte, 
Mme So Yung Straga, Présidente – SPX, 
Dr Pierre-Antoine Pradervand.

16.15 – Présentation d’une approche :
Prof. Béatrice Schaad, Directrice du Centre sur le Vécu des patient·e·s, des proches et des professionnel·elle·s – CHUV et Professeure titulaire à l’Institut des Humanités en Médecine-FBM-UNIL.

16.30 – Un point de vue patient : témoigner des difficultés à l’hôpital pour tenter de faire plus que simplement se plaindre :
Dr Pierre-Antoine Pradervand

16.45 – Fédérer la récolte des doléances : quel intérêt pour les hôpitaux ? :
Mme Patricia Albisetti, Secrétaire générale – Fédération des hôpitaux vaudois

17.00 – Que retenir de l’expérience acquise du monde de l’hôtellerie ? :
Prof. Lohyd Terrier, Professeur Associé – Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne

17.15 – Q&A

Dre Brigitte Rorive, Présidente du Conseil d’administration – Hôpital Riviera-Chablais.
Dr Yannis Papadaniel, Responsable santé – Fédération romande des consommateurs.
Dr Dimitri Kohler, Responsable qualité – Centre hospitalier Bienne.
Dr Éric Bonvin, Directeur général – Hôpital du Valais.
Prof Philippe Eckert, Président du Conseil d’administration – Réseau hospitalier neuchâtelois.
Prof Guy Haller, Médecin chef du Service qualité des soins – Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève.

We would like to thank the partners who make the continuity of this activity possible: UZ Brussels Foundation, Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte, Viollier, Polyanalytic, Incyte, Braun and Zimmer Biomet.

Shorlisted Projects 2024


The SPX European Awards 2024 received a total of 42 applications acsross the 4 categories for this 4th edition. After careful review, a first jury shortlisted 12 projects which were submitted to the public vote that finalized on April 8. A second jury will now make the final selection for each category whose name will be revealed on April 30. In the meantime, you can discover more about the shortlisted projects below.

  • The award in each category is linked to a cash prize of 20.000 euros offered by our sponsors: the UZ Brussel Foundation and Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte that supports the continuation and expansion of the SPX European Awards. The winners agree to actively share information about their winning project, with the support of SPX.

  • A publication containing more information about all the preselected projects will help disseminate the details on the projects and their good practices for an enhanced patient experience.

  • The winners can count on international interest through various communication channels including press, newsletter, website and social media of SPX and its members for an entire year.

Selection and winners

  • The final selection will be made by a jury of professionals, who will take the results from a public vote into account.

  • The winners will be announced during the Award Ceremony on April 30th, 2024, at the Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte in Switzerland. It can be attended physically, prior registration. Inscriptions will open on October 1st 2023.

With the support of
