Patient Experience Showcase

The SPX European Awards in a nutshell
Dive into the winning projects
Winner projects
The Patient Experience Challenge
Category: Patient Experience in Hospital Care
Edition: 2024
Country: Monaco
Organisation: Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace
The Patient Experience Challenge aimed to reward innovative ideas and raise awareness about improving care, comfort, and communication for patients. With 35 projects presented, the initiative showcased professionals’ dedication to enhancing patient journeys while strengthening hospital performance. By engaging teams directly, the Challenge highlighted the tangible benefits of patient-centered care for patients, staff, and the organization.
Supporting vulnerable families: towards a better perinatal experience
Category: Patient Experience in Health and Social related services
Edition: 2024
Country: Belgium
Organisation: Groupe Santé CHC
The project emphasizes the critical first 1,000 days of life, highlighting the parent-child bond and addressing financial, psychological, medical, and social challenges. By incorporating “Early Prenatal Interviews” and leveraging a multidisciplinary team, it provides early screening and tailored support for vulnerable families. This initiative enhances the patient experience by preventing developmental disorders and fostering a supportive environment for healthy child development.
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Edition: 2024
Country: France
Organisation: CALYDIAL
Calydial prioritizes patient experience by integrating users’ perspectives to tailor care and pathways to their needs. A dedicated Patient Experience Committee, meeting bi-monthly, includes patient advisors, user representatives, the CEO, and the quality manager. This committee promotes health democracy and raises awareness of patient experience among patients and professionals, supporting the implementation of the establishment’s strategic plan.
Vulgaroo: Simplify medical reports with AI
Category: Patient eXperience in digital and non-face-to-face support
Edition: 2024
Country: France
Organisation: Vulgaroo
The Vulgaroo project uses generative AI to simplify complex medical reports into lay terms, reducing patient anxiety and improving understanding. In a 2023 focus group, over 90% of cancer patients supported this idea, especially for pathology and imaging exams. Vulgaroo empowers patients to make informed treatment decisions with their physicians.
Endomway: Participation in the improvement of healthcare services, the case of endometriosis
Category: Hospitals
Edition: 2023
Country: Spain
Organisation: Hospital Clinic Barcelona
Endometriosis is a chronic and inflammatory disease characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, which can cause various symptoms; chronic pain being one of the most prevalent and disabling. This disease affects 10% of women, however, it continues to be an invisible disease, since on average it takes about 8 years to reach a diagnosis. Therefore, in addition to the physiological symptoms, women also suffer affectations in their social and family spheres. The Endomway project, led by the gynecology service together with the Patient Experience Observatory of the Hospital Clínic Barcelona (HCB) and in active collaboration with the patients, has as its main objective to assess the unmet needs of patients and caregivers in order to improve quality of care, as well as prioritizing the research agenda.
When patients train future nurse
Category: Health institutions excluding hospitals (nursing homes, home care, health schools,…)
Edition: 2023
Country: Belgium
Organisation: Haute École Libre Mosane (HELMo)
For the 3rd-year bachelor’s nursing course on chronic care and therapeutic education, teachers at Haute Ecole co-designed the program in partnership with patients and their carers. Together, two teachers and about 15 patients and carers collaboratively defined the course objectives, methodology, and syllabus. Patients actively participate in the 15-hour course, which is divided into five 3-hour modules covering topics like patient associations, daily life with illness, trust-building, carer roles, and therapeutic education. Each module includes small group discussions with patients and large group debates led by the teacher. The exam was also developed collaboratively.
Xploro: Using AI, augmented reality and games to reduce stress and anxiety and improve patient experience
Category: Start-ups
Edition: 2023
Country: United Kingdom
Organisation: Xploro
Xploro is a disease agnostic and clinically validated Digital Therapeutics (DTx) platform that uses augmented reality, gameplay and an artificially intelligent Avatar Guide to deliver health information to young patients, reducing the stress and anxiety associated with medical treatments. In addition, empowering children with information in this way, improves clinical outcomes and health literacy, while reducing cancellations and the need for repeat procedures. Xploro does this through age-appropriate health information and by using gamification and rewards systems, allowing clinicians to effectively capture patient-reported outcomes.
Transmural MS Team
Category: n/a
Edition: 2022
Country: Belgium
Organisation: Nationaal Multiple Sclerose Centrum
Patient & Family ICU Support and Aftercare (PIOEN)
Category: A COVID project
Edition: 2021
Country: Belgium
Organisation: UZ Brussel
Virtual Reality Patient Experience wipes pain and stress away in the Emergency Department
Category: A non-COVID project
Edition: 2021
Country: Belgium
Organisation: UZ Brussel
Shortlisted projects
Shortlisted projects
AI-based patient experience monitoring in day care hospital
Category: Patient Experience in digital and non-face-to-face support
Edition: 2024
Country: France
Organisation: Elsan & Better World
In partnership with 10 healthcare facilities, Elsan Care and Better World developed a Day Care hospital questionnaire to capture all aspects of the patient experience, with AI analysis of free-text comments to improve care. Facilities have no administrative tasks; they simply collect email addresses and encourage patient participation. Deployed in 49 facilities covering 80,000 Day Care journeys, the next phase will expand to 89 facilities within the Elsan Group.
e-OncoSalud: remote communication and monitoring of cancer patients
Category: Patient Experience in digital and non-face-to-face support
Edition: 2024
Country: Spain
Organisation: Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón
eOncoSalud is an innovative mobile app designed to enhance the care of patients on oral anticancer treatments. It improves patient autonomy by offering real-time information, communication with healthcare professionals, and personalized tracking. With features like treatment reminders, adverse effects monitoring, and direct pharmacist communication, eOncoSalud fosters a patient-centered experience that boosts health outcomes, satisfaction, and empowerment throughout the oncological journey.
Category “Patient Experience in hospital care”
- The Patient Experience Challenge – Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace, Monaco · WINNER
- Cancer: I Manage My Fatigue – Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
- Improvement of user flow and patient experience – Althaia Xarxa Assistencial Universitaria de Manresa, Spain · SHORTLISTED
- What matters to you? – Fédération des Hôpitaux Vaudois, Switzerland · SHORTLISTED
Category “Patient Experience in health and social related services”
- Supporting Vulnerable Families: Towards a Better Perinatal Experience – Groupe Santé CHC, Belgium · WINNER
- The Individualized Interdisciplinary Intervention Plan (IIIP) – Centre Neurologique William Lennox, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
Category “Patient Experience in digital and non-face-to-face support”
- Vulgaroo: simplify medical reports with AI – Vulgaroo, France · WINNER
- AI-based patient experience monitoring in day care hospital – Elsan & Better World, France · SHORTLISTED
- e-OncoSalud: remote communication and monitoring of cancer patients – Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Spain · SHORTLISTED
- Delirium Action Month – PIPRA AG, Switzerland · SHORTLISTED
Category “Patient Experience in outpatient institutions”
- A board dedicated to patient experience – Calydial, France · WINNER
- Integrated Patient Experience Enhancement Program (IPEEP), Fresenius Medical Care España, Spain · SHORTLISTED
Category “Hospitals”
- Endomway: Enhancing Health Services for Endometriosis: – Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Spain · WINNER
- Assessment and improvment of PX in an Emergency Department – Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Spain · SHORTLISTED
- Bedside Pass: Involving patient and family when switching teams – Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Spain · SHORTLISTED
- Co-design of the New Neonatal Care Unit – Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Spain · SHORTLISTED
- Improving the quality of life and experience of stroke patients – Groupe Santé CHC, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
Category “Health and Social Care Institutions”
- When patients train future nurses · HELMo, Belgium · WINNER
- Integrated Patient Experience in Care Organisations – WZC Residentie Het Prieelshof, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
- NewSpringForMe, a digital companion solution to improve transplanted patients quality of life – Fonds de dotation HTC Project, France · SHORTLISTED
Category “Start-ups”
- Using AI, augmented reality and games to reduce stress and anxiety and improve PX – Xploro, United Kingdom · WINNER
- Verbatim.Care: better understanding of PX thanks to automatic language processing – EntendsMoi, France · SHORTLISTED
- L’Appel Malade Intelligent – Hospitalink, France – SHORTLISTED
- “Masana” there is no place like home ! – Masana, France – SHORTLISTED
- Transmural MS Team – Nationaal MS Centrum, Belgium · WINNER
- ParkiHI2T – AZ Delta, Roeselare, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
- Projet Welcome – CHR Citadelle, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
- Children committed to a successful hospital stay! – Clinique Saint Jean de Dieu , France · SHORTLISTED
- Care for people with intellectual disabilities – Institut Claudius Regaud, France · SHORTLISTED
- Radiotherapy and brachytherapy documentation, Institut Gustave Roussy, France · SHORTLISTED
- Patient participation (PtPa) in home care – Wit-Gele Kruis van Vlaanderen, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
- Systematic approach to social reintegration in pain patients – Ziekenhuisnetwerk Antwerpen, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
Category “A COVID project”
- Patient & Family ICU Support and Aftercare (PIOEN) – UZ Brussel, Belgium · WINNER
- Telemonitoring of COVID-patients at home – AZ Maria Middelares, Belgium · SPECIAL MENTION
- The Experience Room – Revalidatieziekenhuis Inkendaal, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
- Population surveys – Unisanté, Switzerland · SHORTLISTED
Category “A NON COVID project”
- VR Glasses project to improve PX, reduce pain and anxiety – UZ Brussel, Belgium · WINNER
- Heart-warming care for unique patients – AZ Delta vzw, Belgium · SPECIAL MENTION
- Optimised journey for oncological day treatment – AZ Maria Middelares, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
- Clinique En-Jeu: children’s experience of painful and invasive care – Groupe Santé CHC, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
- Patient experience in pancreas transplantation – Hospital Clínic Barcelona, Spain · SHORTLISTED
- The Residents’ Parliament – Residentie Het Prieelshof, Belgium · SHORTLISTED
Winner projects
Winner projects
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
Shortlisted projects
Shortlisted projects
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies.
4th edition – 2024
Winner projects
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies. Sed id mauris ornare enim condimentum molestie a non ligula. Ut euismod turpis nec blandit iaculis. Cras tristique molestie risus, at porta nulla scelerisque eu.
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies. Sed id mauris ornare enim condimentum molestie a non ligula. Ut euismod turpis nec blandit iaculis. Cras tristique molestie risus, at porta nulla scelerisque eu.
A board dedicated to Patient Experience
Category: Patient Experience in Outpatient Institutions
Country: France
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante viverra sapien tristique lacinia. Aliquam dolor lorem, fringilla sit amet elit a, finibus faucibus purus. Sed volutpat eget sem et ornare. Aliquam ut volutpat ante. Curabitur pretium risus a maximus porta. Nullam egestas felis vitae venenatis ultricies. Sed id mauris ornare enim condimentum molestie a non ligula. Ut euismod turpis nec blandit iaculis. Cras tristique molestie risus, at porta nulla scelerisque eu.
Shortlisted projects
Thanks to its technology aimed at simplifying medical reports using AI, Vulgaroo is one of the winners of the 4th SPX European Awards. To find out more about their initiative and how it is having a positive impact on the patient experience, we asked them a few questions.
Calydial, a facility specialising in the management of chronic kidney disease, was distinguished at the 4th SPX European Awards for its innovative initiative to create a committee dedicated to the patient experience. We met the team to find out more about the ambitions and challenges of this project.
Winner at the 4th SPX European Awards, Groupe Santé CHC (Belgium) has been rewarded for its initiative ‘Supporting Vulnerable Families: Towards a Better Perinatal Experience’. The team shares with us the origins of the project, its development and its evolution following receipt of the award last April.
Specialized in Multiple Sclerosis treatments, the National MS Center (NMSC) took a bold move in 2015 after identifying the need to provide specific answers to recently diagnosed MS patients. By gathering a multidisciplinary team offering support to patients both inside and outside their facilities, they created a unique program – The Transmural MS team – that drastically improved patience experience.

A strategy centered on Patient Care
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

A strategy centered on Patient Care
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

A strategy centered on Patient Care
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.




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