Discover the SPX Awards 2021 Nominees

Patient eXperience Category

Heart-warming care for unique patients

AZ Delta

Hospitalization is very drastic for patients with multiple mental and/or physical disabilities. Their living environment, with trusted people in a safe environment with a fixed daily rhythm, disappears. They often see, understand and experience things differently, find difficult to express their feelings and react differently to illness. An integrated and continuous care policy requires more specialized knowledge and skills from care professionals. We want to take our social responsibility and significantly increase the accessibility and quality of care for patients with multiple physical and/or mental disabilities. All this was achieved in very close collaboration between the different nursing and medical disciplines of the hospital and external stakeholders. The concern for care of vulnerable patients and the enthusiasm of a number of nurses and doctors was a crucial factor in this. AZ Delta is the first general hospital in Flanders and perhaps also Belgium that succeeds in coordinating and organizing care for this specific patient group.

Optimised journey for oncological day treatment

AZ Maria Middelares

The last few years there has been a sharp increase in the number of oncological patients in day treatment in AZ Maria Middelares which resulted in increased waiting times for patients and more pressure on the care providers. Shifting the preparatory steps to day-1, combined with remote monitoring, reduces non-value added time for both patient and caregiver. In this way, we improve the patient experience and optimise the efficiency of the process.

The child, actor of his own health care at the Clinique En–Jeu

CHC Liège

The Clinique En–Jeu (Clinic In-Play) is a space run by psychologists and dedicated to the experience of children around painful and invasive care. It gives concrete expression to the words and rights of children in hospitals, including in many clinical itineraries not only the perception of children, but their power to speak and act on care as well as on the organizations. The passage of children to the Clinique En–Jeu before an MRI, gastroscopy, CT scan, botox injections… is an institutional guarantee to give the child the time and space necessary to put in place resources, sometimes unprecedented, in terms of partnership. Doubly vulnerable, by his status as a child faced with the weight of the organization of work, and by his illness or handicap which impacts his power to speak, the Clinique En-Jeu enables children by supporting them in their status of actor in care, and not just about them.

Patient experience in pancreas transplantation

Hospital Clínic Barcelona

Patients with type 1 diabetes who develop end stage kidney disease may be candidates for pancreas transplantation, a highly complex surgical procedure performed in a small number of centers. Despite their longstanding contact with the health care system, this transition from stable chronic kidney disease in local Hospital to the need to receive a simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation in terciary larger Hospital, is associated with several changes (diet, medication, exercise, etc.) and uncertainties (treatment alternatives, change of health care center, etc.). We developed a methodologic approach to evaluate patients’ experience who are evaluated for a pancreas transplantation at a large center, identify unmet needs, introduce materials, and finally re-structure circuits to improve the overall patient experience. This methodology may be extrapolated and replicated in other centers.

The Experience Room


Rehabilitation Hospital Inkendaal attaches great importance to a high-quality and patient-safe care environment for our rehabilitation patients. The care providers, who work for the patients every day, are essential links on this. With the “Week of Patient Safety” we want to offer an extra training to our employees and make them aware of a number of safety themes, through workshops, information stands and (real-life) training courses, including The Experience Room.

The Residents’ Parliament

Residence Het Prieelshof

Our vision is “to improve the quality of life of our residents”. Participation is central to us: we involve our residents, family and staff optimally in policy on the basis of the residents’ parliament. Our philosophy is: adding life to the years, where the resident decides for himself and can maintain control over his own life. The residents’ parliament is based on the principles of Active Aging. Active Aging is a process to optimize health, participation and safety opportunities to improve the quality of life of the elderly. It is based on 9 determinants, in which participation is central. This participation is optimally realized on the basis of the residents’ parliament.

Virtual Reality Patient Experience wipes pain and stress away in the Emergency Department

UZ Brussel

Pilot study demonstrated that VR glasses patient experience spectacularly reduces pain and discomfort in adults and children undergoing medical procedures. A panel of enthusiastic patients, advocating volunteers, nurses and doctors in Emergency, Intensive Care and the Operating Room, supported by our medical directors, wants to extend and enhance the program and explore innovative exciting possibilities of this technology. While making medical procedures pain- and stress-free for patients, their parents, and the healthcare workers, more scientific evidence is collected to prove this is effective and feasible in every hospital.

Patient eXperience and COVID Category

Telemonitoring of COVID-patients at home

AZ Maria Middelares

At AZ Maria Middelares, certain patients are followed up remotely in their trusted (home) environment via a user-friendly app.  Patients retain more control over their own health, while the pressure on available hospital beds is reduced. The aim is to ensure the continuum of care around the patient, creating a smooth transition between first and second line care.

Citizens’ responses to government restrictions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, three cross-sectional surveys in the canton of Vaud

Unisanté – Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique à Lausanne

In coordination with the Department of Health of the Canton Vaud, we used cross-sectional surveys, followed by rapid analysis to provide feedback to decision-makers about current sentiment in the population. Community-based partners disseminated electronic surveys with open and closed questions. An online questionnaire for the general public was disseminated between 17 April and 14 May, 15 May and 22 June, and again between 30 October and 2 December, 2020. Respondents could also call a member of the research team anonymously to give additional, detailed information. A similar questionnaire was disseminated in paper form in 10 languages among asylum seekers between July and November, 2020. Outcomes included citizen knowledge (8-question measure), worry about the virus, self-reported adherence to measures, perception of government measures, suggestions for improvements, and their intention to uptake novel technologies, such as an electronic app for contact tracing and the COVID-19 vaccine.

Patient & Family ICU Support and Aftercare (PIOEN)

UZ Brussel

The problem of an active partnership between the different players in intensive care became acutely clearer with the family’s visitation ban during the COVID pandemic. At the intensive care department of UZ Brussel, this led to an improvised solution to involve family of ICU patients as much as possible in the course of the disease, whereby help from outside ICU was used to fill this gap. This was possible because non-COVID care was scaled back and outside help came, in our case from the Center for Reproductive Medicine. The devised solutions turned out to work better than the original and garnered very high satisfaction scores among patients, family and ICU staff. This led to the formation of a working group after the first COVID-19 follow-up to continue the continuity of this “Call Center” and to expand it into a fully-fledged patient and family guidance, Patient & Family ICU Support and Aftercare (PIOEN, Patiënt & Familie IZ Ondersteuning En Nazorg).

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