3rd edition of the SPX Awards: a real success!

After the success of the first 2 editions of the SPX Awards, SPX has renewed the experience in 2023 for its 3rd edition.

2023 Edition

SPX has decided to extend the Awards to 2 new categories in addition to the hospital category: healthcare startups and medico-social organisations. The winner of each category will receive a prize of €5000.

The winners will be able to count on international interest and visibility for their organisation through communication via various channels, including the press, the newsletter, the website, SPX’s social media and the relay to its members for a whole year. A handbook of shortlisted projects will be published to share the best initiatives.

The awards recognise initiatives that put the patient first and work in a multidisciplinary way to satisfy patients and/or relatives. An innovative spirit is encouraged.

The submission of projects closed on 22 February 2023.

In total, SPX received 51 projects, doubling the volume since last year. The applicants come from 7 different countries: Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, UK, Iceland, Algeria and are distributed as follows:

HospitalsMedical and social organisationsStartups
United Kingdom  1


A 1st SPX jury selects 12 projects, meeting all the criteria; projects that explicitly improve and integrate the patient experience.

These will be presented from 1 April onwards on social networks, giving the public the chance to vote.

A second jury identifies the winner for each category, including the public vote.


The SPX Awards 2023 ceremony will take place on 9 June 2023 at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, preceded by a round table discussion with 3 CEOs of institutions that have developed the patient experience. This round table will be moderated by a person with a personal story of a remarkable patient experience.

All projects received are of high quality and show concrete actions to improve the experience of patients, users or relatives.

There is also diversity.

The SPX team would like to thank all the people and institutions that submitted a project. This 3rd edition is a real success and shows how organisations are willing to develop initiatives to improve the experience of patients and their relatives.

Follow us on the social networks so as not to miss the public vote: Twitter, Linkedin and YouTube.

We would also like to thank our sponsors without whom this 3rd edition could not have taken place: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, UZ Brussel Foundation, MSD and Abbvie.

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