This page is exclusive for members of Unicancer. If you are not a member of Unicancer, please click here to access the general registration page.

Any order placed from this page will be set on hold until the SPX team verifies that it has been placed by a member of Unicancer.

REMEMBER: To benefit from this special offer for Unicancer members, you must use your professional Unicancer email address at checkout.

Colloquium - Individual Registration

Prices* reserved to Unicancer members only.

2 days
1 day (Oct 11th)
1 day (Oct 12th)

* These prices include an individual membership to SPX. Once your registration has been validated, you automatically become a member of SPX.

Complete Pack - Colloquium and Workshop

Prices* reserved to Unicancer members only.

This is a limited offer only available until places for the workshop run out.

You can check the workshop’s detailed programs here.

Colloquium (2 days) + Workshop 1
Setting up a patient committee: steps and tools
Colloquium (2 days) + Workshop 2
The use of Design Thinking in health
Colloquium (2 days) + Workshop 3
Evaluating the impact of a patient experience strategy and projects
Colloquium (2 days) + Workshop 4
Patient experience and participatory action research
Colloquium (2 days) + Workshop 5
Therapeutic communication with self and others
Colloquium (2 days) + Workshop 6
Achieving patient centered-care through shared decision making

* These prices include an individual membership to SPX. Once your registration has been validated, you automatically become a member of SPX.


Unique price*

Places on the workshop are limited.

They will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until all they run out.

Workshop (6 hours)

* This price includes an individual membership to SPX. Once your registration has been validated, you automatically become a member of SPX.

Cancellation and change conditions​

All requests for changes or cancellations must be sent by e-mail to [email protected].

In the event of cancellation by the participant before the start of the event, the following conditions will apply:

Cancellation before 1 July 2023: the full cost of participation will be refunded to the participant.

Cancellation after 1 July 2023: 100% of the participation fee is due.

Would you like to receive more information?​

If you can’t register immediately, subscribe to our newsletter to receive all the latest news from SPX.
