
Managing the change to the Patient eXperience culture

Date: November 2020

Description:This document presents the key messages and the opinions of the experts who participated in the webinar. Webinar I addressed “Change management towards the patient experience culture”. It was sponsored by the Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte EHC, in Morges, Switzerland.

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How to develop the Patient eXperience in a context of isolation – Covid experiences?

Date: November 2020

Description: This document presents the key messages and the opinions of the experts who participated in the webinar. It addressed “How to develop the patient experience in a context of isolation – Covid experiences?”. It was sponsored by Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, Spain.

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Design of infrastructures and teams taking into account the Patient eXperience

Date: November 2020

Description: This document presents the key messages and the opinions of the experts who participated in the webinar. It addressed “Design of infrastructure and teams taking into account the patient experience”. It was sponsored by Clinique Saint Jean, in Brussels, Belgium.

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Shared clinical decisions and patient participation in care and research

Date: November 2020

Description: This document, presents the key messages as well as the opinions of the experts who participated in the webinar. It addressed “Shared clinical decisions and patient participation in care and research”. It was sponsored by the Léon Bérard Centre in Lyon, France.

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How to integrate the Patient eXperience into non-face-to-face activity such as telemedicine?

Date: November 2020

Description: This document, presents the key messages as well as the opinions of the experts who participated in the webinar. It addressed “How to integrate the patient experience into the non-presential activity”. It was sponsored by the CHC group in Liege, Belgium.

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