The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, the association Helmo and the start-up Xploro are the winners of the SPX Awards 2023
Shared Patient eXperience, the European association dedicated to the patient experience, presented the prizes for the third edition of the SPX Awards at a ceremony held at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. The awards recognise the most innovative international initiatives aimed at improving the patient experience in all areas.

By Francisco Avia (@franciscoavia)
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (Spain) was awarded the prize in the Hospitals category for its initiative “Endomway: participation in improving health services, the case of endometriosis“. This initiative aims to identify the unmet needs of patients with endometriosis and propose actions to improve care processes. It also involves patient participation through interviews, surveys, working groups and workshops.

By Francisco Avia (@franciscoavia)
At the same time, the Helmo association (Haute École Libre Mosane, Belgium) won an award in the Health and Social Care Institutions category for its initiative “When patients train future nurses“. This project highlights patients’ experiences and relies on their presence and ongoing participation in the training of future nurses.

By Francisco Avia (@franciscoavia)
Finally, Xploro (UK) took the prize in the Start-ups category for its initiative of the same name. Originally aimed at paediatric oncology patients, this project uses artificial intelligence, augmented reality and games to reduce the stress of patients in any paediatric area. In this way, Xploro helps to reduce their anxiety levels, enabling them to better understand the situation they are in and the tests they are about to undergo.

By Francisco Avia (@franciscoavia)
The three prizes were presented by Carme Bertral, Secretary for Health and Participation in the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Each winning initiative received a prize of €5,000 and will benefit from international visibility promoted by SPX. The projects will also receive technical and dissemination support from SPX and its 16 member institutions.

By Francisco Avia (@franciscoavia)
Debate on patient experience management models
The announcement of the winners of the SPX Awards was preceded by a debate on patient experience management models. The debate brought together leading figures from various European institutions. Participants included Marc Noppen, Director General of UZ Brussel (Belgium), Artus Paty, Deputy Director General of the Centre Henri Becquerel – Unicancer (France), and Josep M. Campistol, Director General of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.
During their presentations, they explained how the patient experience has been implemented in each of their institutions, as well as how it is measured. They also shared the obstacles they have encountered in implementing the patient experience and the steps they have taken to overcome them.

By Francisco Avia (@franciscoavia)
More than 50 international projects from 7 countries
The awards ceremony is the culmination of a six-month process that began with an initial call for entries open to the international community. 51 projects from 7 different countries were submitted to the SPX Awards: Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Iceland and Algeria. From all the projects received, a first international jury chose the 12 projects that were finally nominated.
The initiatives nominated for this third edition of the SPX Awards included projects run by hospitals, medical and health institutions and start-ups.
Nominations in the Hospitals category went to initiatives from Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (Spain), Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (Spain), Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge (Spain), Hospital Gregorio Marañón (Spain) and Groupe Santé CHC (Belgium).
In the Health and Social Care Institutions category, the nominated projects came from the Haute École Libre Mosane – Helmo (Belgium), the HTC Project endowment funds (France) and WZC Residenti Het Prieelshof (Belgium).
Finally, in the Start-up category, the nominated initiatives were presented by Xploro (UK), EntendsMoi (France), Hospitalink (France) and Masana (Belgium).
All the nominated projects were put to the public vote and examined by three international and independent professional juries, who selected the winners announced at the ceremony.
Composition of juries
The nomination of the 12 shortlisted projects and the final decision on the winning projects in each category were made by professional juries independent of the institutions that submitted their entries to the SPX Awards.
The composition of each of the four juries involved in the third SPX Awards is described below.
Initial Jury for the selection of nominees
- Marc Vankerkhoven, AZ Maria Middelares (Belgium)
- Bertrand Marcorelles, independent professional (France)
- Edith Jung, Rehazenter (Luxembourg)
- Nathalie Bass, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris (France)
Final jury for the Hospitals category
- Mickaël De Rhaem, Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte (Switzerland)
- Bram Vermeersch, UZ Brussel Foundation (Belgium)
- Tino Marti, Societat Catalana de Gestió Sanitària (Spain)
- Gertie Dalemans, National MS Centrum (Belgium)
Final Jury for the Health and Social Care Institutions category
- Katalien Dendooven, Wit-Gele Kruis (Belgium)
- Montserrat Moharra, AQuAS – Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (Spain)
- Edgard Peters, Fédération de l’Aide et des Soins à Domicile (Belgium)
- Gertie Dalemans, National MS Centrum (Belgium)
Final Jury for the Start-ups category
- Frédéric Addor, Swisscoding (Switzerland)
- Dieter De Court, UZ Brussel (Belgium)
- Julie Valette, Hôpital Paris Saint-Joseph & Hôpital Marie-Lannelon (France)
- Gertie Dalemans, National MS Centrum (Belgium)
This third edition of the SPX Awards has been made possible thanks to the support of the UZ Brussel Foundation, MSD and the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, as well as all the participants and members of the professional juries.