Study Tour 2019: Patient experience, best practices

In the midst of the annual conference and the preparations for the launch of the Club for Emprovement, the study trip took place over three days in Barcelona, from the 4th to 6th of November. Due to the current events taking place in Barcelona, we were forced to adapt our visits in order to avoid protests on our itinerary. Thus, we had to replace the Guttmann Institute for the Hospital del Mar.

Monday 4 november 2019

Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

Carrer de Villarroel, 170



Our host: Dr Joan Escarrabill, Medical Director and Patient Experience

The day-program:

– Description of the Hospital Clinic and its role in the Catalan Healthcare System

– Patient Experience & Strategic Plan 2016-2020

– Design Thinking & Living Lab. Reserach project related to dyspnea in COPD patients by Joan Fernando & Maelle Lebon

– Patient participation in the design of digital educational tools and the web page of the hospital by German Rodríguez

– Innovation and infrastructure: first steps in the participatory process of patients by Ferran Rodríguez

Tuesday 5 november 2019

Hospital del Mar (Parc de Salut Mar)

Passeig Marítim de la Barceloneta, 25



Our host: Mrs. Maribel Pérez Piñero – Director of Corporate Communication and Citizen’s Services

The day-program:

– Managing model of Patient Experience-Presentation of activities

– Cocreation in the future design of Hospital del Mar by Priscila Giraldo, Head of Citizen’s Services

– Humanism in patient care by Dr. Joan Ramón Masclans, Head of Intensive Care Department

– The patient voice at the hospital check in by Maribel Pérez

Wednesday 6 november 2019

Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Passeig de Sant Joan de Déu, 2

Esplugues de Llobregat



Our host : Mercè Jabalera – Director of Quality and Patient Experience

The day-program:

– Description of the Hospital and its role in the Catalan healthcare System-Patient Experience Strategy since 2004

– First announcement of a difficult diagnostic: support and formation for care teams by David Nadal, assistant to the director of Patient Experience

Participants and Institutions

So Yung Straga – Clinique Saint Jean
Alexandre Deschuymere – Clinique Saint Jean
Marc Van Uytven – Antares Consulting
Oscar Dia – Antares Consulting
Eduard Portella – Antares Consulting
Catherine Zenner – AZ Maria Middelares
Peter Dierickx – AZ Maria Middelares
Christine Drummen – CHC Liège
Christophe Rosso – Exolis
Stefan Van Den Brouck – AZ Nikolaas
Karolien Van De Steene – AZ Nikolaas
Simone Jaspert – CU Saint-Luc
Magdalena Delgadillo – CU Saint-Luc

Benefits of the trip

The Patient Experience is still too often seen as a concept that should be adhered to or not adhered to, although it is a total paradigm shift. 

Meeting directors and managers who are able to demonstrate the benefits brought by the introduction of patient experience in their own institution allows for each participant to imagine transposing these initiatives in their own institution.

This visit was an opportunity to discover successful and sustainable projects, as well as the strength of a hospital in which everything is built around the patient experience.

The participants were able to freely exchange with members of each hospital and thus create a network for sharing good practices.


“The hospitals that were visited are very invested in patient experience (XP), using different financing models and technology is present in different ways as well. The initiatives are described simply, with a clear openness on the part of the hosts to share experiences. We learn that technology is not an end in itself in the improvement of XP. Sharing is possible not only with the hosts but also with the members who make up the journey; it is a unique opportunity to weave a community of experts in XP. Improving XP in one’s own institution involves a change of culture that is first and foremost driven by senior management and middle management. Identifying a group of people as leaders of XP development in institutions contributes radically to the culture change. The improvement of XP depends largely on the quality of the relationship between the patient, his or her family, the people around him or her and all the health professionals: talking, touching each other, being in complete empathy. It is easy to understand how to approach XP in one’s own hospital. Finally, digital technology has not yet invaded the hospital space. Management committees should make this kind of journey.”

I would like to receive more information: [email protected]
