Join us for the 5th SPX International Colloquium

Together, towards a global and collaborative Patient Experience

This event is aimed at all professionals, regardless of their discipline or the model of their health structure, since the topics addressed concern all managers working to strengthen the value developed for patients.

WHEN? 8, 9, 10 October 2024
WHERE? Barcelona, Spain – See programme for specific locations.
LANGUAGES: The languages used during the colloquium will be English, French and Spanish. Please note that some activities may only be available in only one of these languages. See the programme of activities below for details. 
PRICE: Check the rates available on the Registration page. 

Discover the full programme of activities for the 5th SPX International Colloquium below.

Don’t miss any updates on the Colloquium! Sign up for the SPX newsletter now.

The SPX International Colloquium 2024 will start in



  • Balzategui, Markel | Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
  • Bustillo, Cristina | Fundació TIC Salut i Social
  • Gresle, Anne-Sophie | Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
  • Hurtado, Marta | Hospital del Mar
  • Millat, Sílvia | Hospital Universitari Bellvitge
  • Moharra, Montserrat | Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Cataunya (AQuAS)
  • Monte, Rafael | Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti, Lugo
  • Portella, Eduard | Shared Patient Experience asbl
  • Sant, Anna | Fundació Assistencial Mútua de Terrassa
  • Vinyets, Joan | Hospital Sant Joan de Déu


Would you be interested in contributing to the 5th SPX International Colloquium? All interested authors are encouraged to submit their communication proposals for evaluation by the Scientific Committee before 18 August 2024 via the online submission form.

All proposals related to the patient experience are welcomed and encouraged, encompassing a broad spectrum of topics including, but not limited to:

  • The design of support processes in the delivery of services.
  • Shared clinical decisions: professions, responsibility, commitment.
  • Definition of the criteria to be used in the measurement of PX results.
  • The development of physical spaces and the environment.
  • Technology adoption.
  • Participation and decision-making in the governance of the institution.
  • Implementation of patient experience and change management.
  • Information and communication with patients.

The Scientific Committee endorses the final decision and final acceptance will be validated only after your formal registration for the Colloquium.



Frédéric Addor (Switzerland)


González, Iria (Spain)
Hardouin, Laure (France)
Goodburn, Lesley (UK)
Moulins, Valérie (France)
Moeckli, Christian (Switzerland)
Olivier, Philippe (Belgium)
Patricio, Rui (Portugal)
Pérez Piñero, Maribel (Spain)
Vinyets, Joan (Spain)

Please note that the scientific committee is currently being constituted and that this list may be completed at a later date.


Would you like to make a commitment to the patient experience? Find out how to become an SPX member.

Our members benefit from exclusive discounts on all our activities, including the SPX International Colloquium 2024 in Barcelona.

Join us to improve the patient experience together!

Call for Start-ups

Calling start-ups in the health and social care sector or businesses that add extra value to the patient experience.



Plenary Sessions
Communications Sessions

Pre-colloquium activities | 8 October

On the occasion of the pre-colloquium day which will take place on 8 October a wide programme of satelite activities will be offered to participants who wish to go deeper into certain themes.

More information coming soon.

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Plenary Sessions | 9, 10 October

A total of 4 plenary sessions will be held on 9 and 10 October at the World Trade Center auditorium. 

The languages in which the sessions will be available will be confirmed soon. 

The healthcare domain requires professionals to extend beyond the traditional boundaries of their respective roles. The spectrum of integrated collaboration involves all stakeholders: from caregivers to patients, technology and medical equipment providers, logistics, medical transportation, information systems, and regulatory bodies, among others. It is a collective and global commitment that transcends sectoral limitations. Patient experience is a social imperative that concerns us all, but also a reliable means to enhance performance and outcomes in the healthcare field.

Location : Auditorium – World Trade Center Barcelona

When it comes to innovation and value creation, a deep understanding of patient needs leads to innovations that are tailored to real expectations. Throughout the process, by gathering direct feedback, it becomes easier to identify shortcomings that need to be rectified: co-construction is one of the keys to innovation in healthcare, because it encourages professionals to look at everyday life from a new angle.

Location : Auditorium – World Trade Center Barcelona

To ensure acting appropriately, stakeholders must embrace the new values arising from society’s evolution. Navigating a world in perpetual change isn’t easy, and this is where the patient experience sets the course. Considering daily life in the healthcare field through the patient experience involves adapting the behaviors of all collaborators. In addition to ensuring doing things well, it will also be necessary to learn to do the right things, to make informed decisions in all circumstances.

Location : Auditorium – World Trade Center Barcelona

Patient experience must be assessed to measure its impacts. Considering this from the outset of initiatives allows us to determine if the set objectives will concretely improve patients’ experiences. Additionally, it’s crucial to incorporate result measurement indicators into institutional dashboards.

Location : Auditorium – World Trade Center Barcelona

Communication sessions | 9, 10 October

In addition to the plenary sessions, the programme of the Colloquium will be completed by a number of communication sessions spread over the days of 9 and 10 October. 

Would you be interested in contributing as an author of communications? Our call for authors is open until 15 July 2024.

Innovation Corner | 11, 12 October

Join us on 11 and 12 October in the Foyer PHAR CLUB area and the Joliette and Estaque rooms on the 1st floor to meet companies and institutions working to improve the patient experience through the development of innovative solutions. The stands will be open throughout the two days.

Would you like to have a one-to-one discussion with one of these companies during the conference? Make an appointment with the representative by clicking on the logo of the organisation you wish to meet below.


Supporters of SPX

Institutional support for the Colloquium

Fundación Visible - SPX Coloquio Internacional


Join us this autumn in the vibrant and internationally renowned capital of Catalonia. With its incredible modernist architecture, modern infrastructures, and coastal charm, Barcelona offers an unparalleled experience.

The 5th SPX International Colloquium will take place across several distinctive venues throughout the city including the World Trade Center, on October 9 and 10, located in the seaside neighborhood of Port Vell.

Explore more about what Barcelona has to offer and make the most of your visit!


The SPX International Colloquium 2024 will be hosted at the World Trade Center on October 9 and 10. 

The pre-colloquium (October 8) will take place across 4 satellite hospitals:

  • Hospital de la Santa Creu y Sant Pau
  • Hospital del Mar
  • Hospital de Sant Joan De Déu
  • Hospital Clínic

All participants to the pre-colloquium activities will be conducted to the Hospital de la Santa Creu y Sant Pau at the end the day for a closing activity. 

If you are looking for a comfortable and budget-friendly place to stay during the event, we recommend the Hotel Market Barcelona (30 minutes walk from the World Trade Center). 


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