"How to develop the Patient eXperience in a context of isolation - Covid experiences?"
08.09.2020 | 16h (CET)

How to develop the Patient eXperience in a context of isolation – Covid experiences?
Description: This document presents the key messages and the opinions of the experts who participated in the webinar. It addressed “How to develop the patient experience in a context of isolation – Covid experiences?”. It was sponsored by Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, Spain.
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During the health crisis, patients saw their habits change. Non-emergency consultations have been cancelled; suddenly patients did not have the regular access to care they had experienced before. Moreover, hospitalized patients found themselves isolated from their loved ones; all visits became prohibited. Social contact has been interrupted for an indefinite period. For well-justified reasons, professionals have limited contact, and they have used means of protection which have anonymized them and limited their interactions with patients. In this context with multiple forms of isolation, how can we advance the patient experience?

Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, he is currently Medical Director of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.
Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, he is currently Medical Director of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, coordinator of the Program for Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer in Barcelona, and professor of Gastroenterology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona. As director of the Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Oncology Group of the Center for Networked Biomedical Research in Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd, Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and the Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), he develops his research lines in Genetics and screening strategies for colorectal cancer (CRC). He is an expert in the fields of CRC genetics and in the field of CRC screening. He is a founding member of the Alliance for the Prevention of Colon Cancer, where he was national coordinator (2006-2010), and sits on the advisory board of the International Digestive Cancer Alliance, the World Gastroentero logy Organization Task Force on Digestive Oncology, of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, of the Director of Oncology of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and of the Madrid City Council for the screening of CCR. He has received the Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research from the Official College of Physicians of Barcelona (2007), and the August Pi i Sunyer Award (2010), among others.
*Dr Antoni Castells will participate with a video presentation, but will not be able to actively participate during the webinar.

Mrs. Jessica DENNING
Communications and Education, European Lung Foundation.
Jessica is the Communications and Education Coordinator at the European Lung Foundation. Jessica has a background in clinical research. During this time, she has worked closely with public involvement groups to improve the quality of trials from a patient perspective. At ELF, Jessica’s role includes producing educational materials such as: factsheets, lay summaries and webpages which provide easy to understand information for patients, members of the public and policymakers.

Director General, Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Barcelona.
Antoni Plasencia is the Director General of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal www.isglobal.org/en/), where he leads a team of 400 people who are actively engaged in improving global health through excellence in research, knowledge translation and its application. He is also Medical Consultant in International Health at the Hospital Clinic and Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona. His professional activity has been dedicated to epidemiology and public health, for more than 30 years, in various leading positions, combining research, teaching, practice and management activities, in different prestigious institutions, including the Center for International Health Research of Barcelona (CRESIB), the Public Health Directorate of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and the Public Health Agency of Barcelona. He currently teaches and co-directs the Master in Global Health at the University of Barcelona. He is also Associate Editor of BMC Health Services Research. He co-chairs the Health for All Thematic Network of the SDSN Initiative (http://unsdsn.org/what-we-do/thematic-networks/health-for-all/) and sits in different advisory boards.
Dr. Plasencia graduated in Medicine (MD) from the University of Barcelona, and holds a Ph.D. from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Master in Public Health from Yale University, USA. He is a specialist in Public Health and Preventive Medicine.

Director of the Chronic Care Program of the Hospital Clínic and director of the Master Plan for diseases of the respiratory system of the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Doctor of Medicine (UB), Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (UAB) and Master in Management of Health Institutions (UAB), Dr. Joan Escarrabill has also been director of the Evaluation area of the Agency for Quality and Health Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS). He is currently the director of the Chronic Care Program of the Hospital Clínic and director of the Master Plan for diseases of the respiratory system of the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Specialized in Pneumology, Dr. Escarrabill has been responsible for the UFIS-Respiratory, section chief of the Pneumology Service, and medical deputy director, responsible for Urgent Care and attached to Management of the Bellvitge University Hospital. He has also been responsible for the Innovation area of the Institute of Health Studies, and has published more than 70 articles in scientific journals.
*Dr Joan Escarrabill will participate during the live session, but will not provide a video presentation.
Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, he is currently Medical Director of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.
Mrs. Jessica DENNING
Communications and Education, European Lung Foundation.
Director General of the Institute for Global Health in Barcelona (ISGlobal).
We are pleased to present the recording of the second session of the International Symposium on Shared Patient Experience: “The Patient eXperience, a global response to a society in search of high touch” from August to November 2020.
This session focused on the theme “How to develop the Patient eXperience in a context of isolation – Covid experiences”. During the health crisis, patients have seen their habits change. Non-urgent consultations were abolished; access to care, which had been the norm in many European countries, was no longer the norm. Hospitalized patients found themselves isolated from their loved ones, as all visits were forbidden. Social contact was interrupted indefinitely. For well-justified reasons, professionals limited contact, and used protective measures that anonymised them and limited the relationship. In this context with multiple forms of isolation, how can we develop the patient experience?