November 14, 2022
Exclusive for SPX members: Thursday’s Club about “Entends Moi” on November 17th
Co-founded by patients and healthcare professionals, the start-up Entends Moi (Hear me up) aims to make the voice of healthcare system users audible and visible to enable health democracy. Co-developed and tested with 9 healthcare facilities, “Verbatim” is a digital platform for Natural Language Processing dedicated to patient experience free text feedbacks. “Verbatim” helps professionals and user representatives to continuously improve inpatient pathways.
On our next Thursday’s Club session, Guillaume Bezie and Guillaume Rousson, co-founders of Entends Moi, will present their association and explain this initiative.
In the next weeks, the SPX members will receive an e-mail with all the info needed to register and participate on this session. If you’re not yet a member, don’t miss the opportunity to participate on our Thursday’s Clubs and become a SPX member now!

September 19, 2022
Involvement and Expertise of the patient in his/her care pathway
Join us for the first session of the Riviera-Chablais Hospital’s conference cycle organised as part of the implementation of its 2022-2027 strategic plan.
On the occasion of this first conference, the dimension of the patient experience will be addressed. Through his or her experience in hospital, the patient develops an expertise and a transversal knowledge of the hospital. Thanks to their knowledge, patients not only become partners in their care, but can also be a valuable resource for the hospital organisation.
So Yung Straga, founder and president, Dr. Joan Escarrabill, head of patient experience at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona and member of our Board of Directors, and Dr. Christian Von Plessen, expert for the General Directorate of Health of the Canton of Vaud, will lead the discussion on the involvement and expertise of the patient in his or her care path.
Register via this link.

September 14, 2022
Call for projects to implement digital innovation in belgian hospitals and home care organisations
It is with pleasure that we announce the launch of the first edition of the Call For Projects by Coalition Next Belgium.
We are part of the founding members of Coalition Next Belgium, a collaborative project by Belgian healthcare institutions, organisations, companies, and start-up hubs. We aim to accelerate the implementation of digital innovations in Belgian healthcare institutions and home care settings.
More particularly, we have identified and prioritised three healthcare needs for which we are looking for digital health solutions:
- Enabling prevention and/or accurate access to healthcare
- Accelerating the diagnosis and/or optimise the treatment pathways
- Smoothening the process of remote care
Solutions that meet one of these needs will help Belgian healthcare providers improve the patient experience and integrated care. And that is precisely the objective of all the founding members of Coalition Next Belgium
Please find the launch press release here.

September 12, 2022
Club Thursdays - 2022 workshops Agenda
September, back to work, and back to our “Club Thursdays” workshops.
15/09/22 – Digital health for the benefit of patients and health professionals (Coalition Next Belgium with Christophe Jauquet)
20/10/22 – WayFinding Design (ID-LAB with Loic Hellegouarch)
17/11/22 – Improve our healthcare system thanks to the voice of patients (EntendsMoi (HearMeOut in english with Guillaume Rousson & Guillaume Bezie)
15/12/22 – Peer support in mental health (Smes with Stéphane WAHA)
Interested? Contact us!

September 9, 2022
Become an actor, citizen of health - Patient Resource - Patient Partner
SPX collaborates with the UFPP (Union Francophone des Patients Partenaires) and recommends their training courses. Discover their programme:
The objective is to create a partnership between caregivers and patients, which is the only way to co-construct care within the framework of health democracy. Training means understanding and participating instead of being subjected to it, the patient becoming an actor is no longer a simple passive witness of his illness. “I take care of myself: I treat the cause and not the consequence”.

September 5, 2022
SPX at the ALASS Congress
SPX was present on September 1st, 2nd and 3rd at the congress organised by ALASS (Asociación Latina pare el Análisis de los Sistemas de Salud) on “The patient experience: a new paradigm for public health and health care”.
Our vice-president, Eduard Portella, had the opportunity to explain why the patient experience is a strategic issue for health systems and also to review what is and what is not the patient experience.
On this occasion, we had the opportunity to meet many healthcare actors involved in patient experience, both professionals and patients.

July 15, 2022
SPX & UFPP collaboration agreement
SPX (Shared Patient eXperience) and UFPP (Union Francophone des Patients Partenaires) have just signed a collaboration agreement, in order to put in synergy their competences and commitments for the development of the patient-partner in health democracy.
The UFPP brings together patients and carers living with one or more chronic pathologies without any border limitation.
The UFPP is very active in the development and teaching of the patient-partner method.
SPX, which is present internationally, has always supported the fact that taking into account the patient’s perspective requires a wide variety of modalities. The patient partner is one of them and as such we are very pleased to start this new collaboration.
Bernard Denis, President of the UFPP
So Yung STRAGA, President of SPX

July 11, 2022
Check out the first episode of the SPX Podcast!
Log on to the Patient Frequency to discover the first episode of the SPX Podcast!
In this first episode, So Yung Straga discusses the question of how to implement a patient experience culture in an institution: what efforts should be made and is it really worth it?
Each month, you will find a new episode of the Shared Patient Experience association. Two formats will be offered: a short, informative format, which aims to familiarise you with the concept of patient experience, and a long, interview-style format, focusing on putting the concept into practice.
Don’t wait, bookmark the SPX Podcast to follow all future episodes!
[Podcast only available in french]

July 4, 2022
SPX/Partenamut Workshops
So Yung Straga and Eduard Portella, President and Vice President of Shared Patient Experience, took part on Thursday 30 June 2022 in the Mutualité Partenamut’s Home Ecosystem Workshops, which focused on health pathways, with Mikaela Halvarsson, specialist in cognitive disorders.
The objective of this first day was to bring together teams around Alzheimer’s disease in order to optimise, synchronise and create support solutions.

June 20, 2022
Our training sessions start again in September!
In recent years, value measurement has become a priority topic in most modern health systems. It constitutes a new paradigm in the assessment of the results of health and medico-social services. In fact, the value of a service must be judged by the people who receive it. The patient experience is becoming an inescapable subject, for the entire organization: health professionals, managers and all employees.
SPX wants to offer training sessions on approaches and tools that have proven their added value for the implementation of patient experience projects, within health and medico-social institutions.
Interested? Sign up now!
June 13, 2022
National MS Center wins SPX Award 2022
Professionals from all over Europe gathered on Friday 10 June for the award ceremony of the second edition of the SPX Awards, which took place at the Rehazenter in Luxembourg and online.
In this context, out of the 8 nominated projects, the experts as well as the public decided to select as final winner the project presented by the Nationaal MS Center. This project offers longitudinal support in biopsychosocial areas for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) who do not currently require an intensive rehabilitation programme or permanent care.
The winner received a prize of €5,000 from the UZ Brussel Foundation (Belgium).
Thank you to all the participants, followers and institutions responsible for the high-level projects that participated this year!

May 24, 2022
SPX Awards 2022 Ceremony
SPX wishes to bring together European healthcare organizations that aim to improve and share their expertise about the patient experience. After the success of its first edition, SPX is determined to continue the experience in 2022.
The 1st jury met in March and selected eight projects. Public votes were open from April 1 to April 30, 2022. A second jury will select the final winner, partly taking into account the public’s vote.
The winner will be announced during the SPX Award 2022 ceremony which will take place on June 10, 2022 at the Rehazenter in Luxembourg.
This can be followed in streaming via Zoom. Interested? Contact [email protected]

April 14, 2022
E-health, solutions by and for the patient
SPX is pleased to present its second Position Paper entitled “E-health, solutions by and for the patient”.
Recently, e-health solutions have been strongly highlighted in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, non-personal systems have been widely used to ensure continuity of care while limiting the spread of the virus, as they avoid physical contact between caregivers and patients.
In order to reap the full benefits of these solutions, and thus have a real positive impact on the patient experience, healthcare providers must do more than just provide these solutions. The hospital needs to adapt its posture in different areas.
In general, it is noticeable that a majority of the solutions consist of top-down information to patients, rather than the other way around.
In addition to the aspects of providers’ posture towards patients, this is also explained by the financing models of health systems, which still follow an “intramural” logic, and thus exclude the value of processing data coming from the patient. The existence of policies at national level largely favours the development of these data feedback options (notably PROM).
April 4, 2022
SPX has just signed a collaboration agreement for the new initiative, Coalition NEXT Belgium.
Coalition NEXT is an ecosystem of healthcare establishments, healthcare companies, patient associations and public institutions wishing to work together to identify the most significant requirements for the Belgian healthcare system and seek the requisite solutions in the digital arena.
The aim of this coalition is therefore to link together these institutions and start-ups offering digital innovations.
What is SPX’s role?
SPX wanted to take part in this experience in order to ensure that the initiatives put forward will be properly focused on the ‘Patient Experience’ and support processes in this way.

March 14, 2022
Find out who has been nominated for the SPX Award 2022
We received 26 projects from eight different countries: Belgium, France, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada and Algeria.
The SPX jury considered that only eight projects could be put forward for this year’s SPX Award, meeting all of the criteria and proposing a project to improve and explicitly include the patient experience
These will be presented on social networks from 1 April so that the public can give its opinion.
A second jury will select the final winner, partly taking into account the public’s vote, for the prize-giving ceremony at the Luxembourg Rehazenter on 10 June 2022.
All the projects were of high quality and showed concrete actions to improve the experience of patients, users or family. Diversity was the order of the day.
The SPX team would like to thank everyone for their efforts and intends to broaden its criteria for future years in order to support such interesting projects as well!
Follow us to find out about the initiatives on video!

March 1, 2022
SPX launches its "Club Thursdays"!
These are virtual workshops of 1h-1h30 on practical themes predetermined by the Club. The aim is to create “tailor-made” workshops for the members of the Hospitals+ Club. The first session presents a tool, an existing experience. The following sessions are dedicated to helping participants to develop this tool or experience in their own hospital.
For this first session of 2022, So yung Straga presented “Daring to abandon the satisfaction survey for the greatest satisfaction of all…“.
In a very practical and didactic way, she discussed how to collect the opinions of patients and relatives in order to definitively transform the pain points into benefits.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on the activities of the Hospitals+ Club !

February 14, 2022
MSD Belgium has joined our Industry Club!
MSD, a global, research-based biopharmaceutical company, puts the emphasis on innovation and science, researching, developing and supplying medicines and vaccines. Its main therapeutic fields currently include oncology, infectious diseases and Covid-19.
MSD Belgium is involved in a number of initiatives aimed at improving the patient experience. For instance, “HealthNest by MSD”, a a coalition of concerned professionals and organizations committed to improving health literacy in Belgium, pooling their experiences with regard to health literacy in order to define which approaches have the most potential to improve the situation on the ground.
Their goal is also to improve patients’ oncology experience and results before, during and after treatment. To help understand the experience undergone by patients and healthcare staff, a panel of patients suffering from multiple tumours was set up in order to advise them on their daily work.
“We are convinced that the shared patient experience is a unique opportunity to instigate the joint creation of major projects with various healthcare players, projects that will meet the unique challenges people face, from disease prevention to diagnosis and including recovery at home. “

December 22, 2021
Best Wishes!
We all hoped for a “normal” 2021…
This year was not to be. To write that everything went as planned for SPX would not be honest. Given the situation, we tried to keep in touch with our members by turning our annual conference into a series of initiatives that have covered every month of the year..
Our aim was to provide you information, whether it be to inspire you or to give you more practical application of the patient experience in your institutions.
We recognise that every healthcare professional today is busy maintaining a precarious balance within their own organisation and that the energy required for this activity requires a unique focus.
With this in mind, we promise you a year in 2022 in which SPX will be at your side to ensure a shared patient experience.
On behalf on the whole team, we wish you a happy holiday season with friends and family!
We look forward to seeing you in 2022 with new initiatives that are more in line with your demands to promote the Patient Experience!
SPX Team

December 15, 2021
The Shared Patient eXperience association launches its second edition of the SPX Award
SPX wants to bring together European healthcare organizations wanting to improve and share about the patient experience. After the success of the first edition, SPX is continuing the experience in 2022.
The Award recognizes initiatives by healthcare establishments that put the patient first and work in a multidisciplinary manner to satisfy patients and / or family. An innovative spirit is encouraged.
New for this year, the UZ Brussel Foundation will offer a prize of 5,000 euros to the winner.

November 22, 2021
International Colloquium 2021: A moment of sharing and thinking on PX
The end of the year is slowly coming to an end, and with it the end of our International SPX ALWAYS ON 2021 Conference.
Our objective was both to develop thinking on patient experience and to propose tools and real, practical experiences to develop and improve patient experience.
In practice, this represents:
- 6 Keynotes from 5 different countries (Belgium, USA, Switzerland, Spain and England)
- 6 Hospitals from 5 different countries (Switzerland, Latvia, France, Spain, Belgium)
- 2 Trainings in 2 different languages (French and Spanish), with participants from 7 different countries (Belgium, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain, Mexico, and Argentina).
Follow us to receive more information about our 2022 Colloquium!

November 3, 2021
SPX celebrates its 2nd anniversary!
The founders and first members of SPX decided to mark the official start of the association with an annual conference.
This was on 15 October 2019, live in Brussels.
Almost 200 of you joined us to share your knowledge about our holistic approach to the Patient eXperience. It was an important anniversary, since we met for the first time to discuss this very important theme which is the experience of all patients: to definitely take into account the patient’s point of view in all areas that concern them.

October 19, 2021
How do we judge the outcomes of health services? The Shared Patient Experience association offers a new training programme to equip professionals in this area
For some years, value measurement has been one of the priority topics in most modern health systems. It is a new paradigm in the assessment of the results of health and social care services.
The Shared Patient Experience association has therefore created a tailor-made programme for professionals who want to learn how to use the main tools and methodologies needed to implement and/or improve the patient experience in health and social care institutions.
The success of this training shows the interest that health institutions have in this topic today.

October 6, 2021
Download now the new white paper from the Beryl Institute with a holistic view of the human experience in care
We are very pleased to have participated in the Beryl Institute’s Global Council, new white paper on elevating the Human Experience in Healthcare.
This paper includes accounts from individuals committed to elevating the conversation on human experience and expanding the global experience movement. Through the lenses of practitioners from nine countries, the paper reflects how nations have responded to the call to elevate the human experience during a global pandemic and further demonstrates the impact experience has on outcomes.

September 21, 2021
Annual Report 2020
The Shared Patient Experience Association is pleased to present the annual report for the year 2020.
You will find all the activities and events that have taken place over the past year.
The Shared Patient Experience Association would like to thank its members, both individual and institutional, as well as its partners and various collaborators for the accomplishment of its mission, which is to advance the patient experience in healthcare institutions by promoting best practices.

March 17, 2021
Shared Patient eXperience in ZORG Magazine
ZORG Magazine, the specialized magazine for health executives in Belgium, has written an extensive report about Shared Patient eXperience. This report explains in depth the mission and objectives of SPX, focusing on the activities done by the organization and the shared knowledge that SPX promotes.
You can read the complete report (in Dutch) on this link.
You can also download the report in PDF by clicking on the image.
March 10, 2021
SPX Webinar: How to incorporate the patient's perspective into the healthcare system
Shared Patient Experience hosted a webinar on March 10th, 2021 on how to incorporate the patient’s perspective into the healthcare system. The speakers were Eduard Portella, vice president of Shared Patient Experience and president of Antares Consulting, and Joan Escarrabill, from the Chronic Care and Patient Experience Program at Hospital Clínic.
The webinar is based on the report “The perspective of the patient in the health system”, created by the member institutions of Shared Patient Experience. The objective of the document is to present a current vision of the patient’s perspective in health institutions and how their participation can contribute to their cultural change.
The full session can be viewed below.
February 8, 2021
Shared Patient Experience participates in a seminar on the perspective of the patient in the health system
The seminar “The perspective of the patient in the health system”, held online on February 3rd, was attended by the vice president of Shared Patient Experience and president of Antares Consulting, Eduard Portella. It was also attended by Montse Moharra, acting director of the AQuAS (Catalan Health Quality and Evaluation Agency) and Joan Escarrabill, from the Chronic Care and Patient Experience Program at Hospital Clínic.
Portella’s presentation focused on the importance of the patient experience as a central element in defining quality of healthcare today, due to the demographic transition caused by population aging and the digital generation. This paradigm shift is among others due to factors such as the increase in social demand among patients and citizens to get involved in managing their own health.
In this context, explains Portella, Shared Patient Experience was born, a European international association founded by a group of professionals in the sector. This association aims to promote initiatives for the development of the patient experience, disseminate and stimulate research on the patient experience or create and share all knowledge on this subject through documents, programs, practical tools, etc., among others.
The full seminar can be viewed on the Hospital Clínic YouTube page in the following video: